If you're one of the unlucky who didn't read the Ubuntu website and find that the live cd doesn't support an installation that will boot working on dmraid and lvm2 then I've got some usefull directions.

Install from your regular install disk but DO NOT RESTART.

After installation open up a terminal. In the terminal do the following:
"sudo cp /proc/modules /target/proc/modules" target is where ubuntu installed your new installation
"sudo chroot /target /bin/bash"
"apt-get install lvm2 dmraid"

You did it, it should work now. Now if you're boot partition is for another OS or distro you may want to cp you're /boot stuff back and forth but if you're doing that you likely already know what you're doing. Any corrections, please make comments and I'll fix. Suggestions are welcome. Just reboot and working OS should be there for you :-)

Lester L. Martin II

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